Wednesday 6 June 2012

University of East Anglia philosopher wants brainwashed green puppets to rule the world

The ongoing UK Hay Festival of Literature & Arts this year included a debate on philosophy, politics and communication. Based on this brief report, published in the Telegraph, one of the two debaters - professor Mike Hulme - offered some words of wisdom at the debate: 

If climate scientists are partially responsible for beating they have taken over the last two and a half years, how much are they themselves to blame? Two academics from the University of East Anglia - at the heart of the storm since thousands of emails were leaked in November 2009- give very different answers.
Mike Hulme, professor of climate science, believes that scientists ascribed too much certainty to their findings and went beyond the constraints of their discipline to make value judgements and recommendations for action. Rupert Read, reader, in philosophy, says that , on the contrary, they have not been courageous enough and should be bolder about issuing warnings about its consequences. After a vigorous debate, a show of hands showed that the audience overwhelmingly sided with Read.
The fact that UEA reader Read, "who works closely with environmentalist scientists, in eco-philosophy" won the debate is of course no surprise; people attending this kind of festivals and debates are mostly leftist and "progressive" supporters of the climate change orthodoxy. 
However, It may be interesting to look a little bit closer at what kind of an academic the debate "winner" is: 
Rupert Read, who also is "the Eastern Region Green party coordinator" in the UK - does not think much of the current democratic system in the UK (or elsewhere), which in his view is 
"rule by an arbitrary subsection of the people: an elective dictatorship of 
present people over future people."
This "dictatorship" should, according to a Green House think tank report , written by Read, be replaced by a "third Parliamentary House with specific reference to care for future generations, which would comprise": 
  • a number of individuals chosen by lot
  • trained and supported by relevant experts (see Appendix B, below);
  • serving for a specified non-renewable term;

Read´s third Parliamentary House, "The council of Guardians of Future Generations", would of course have extensive - in reality dictatorial - powers:
a) To veto in whole or in part new 
legislation that threatened the 
basic needs and fundamental 
interests of future people.

b) To force a review, on petitioning, if 
appropriate and merited, of any 
existing legislation that threatens the 
basic needs and fundamental 
interests of future people 

one might give the Guardians the right to 
review major administrative 
decisions which substantially 
affected future people
You might of course ask, how these people, arbitrarily chosen by lot, would be able to make all the difficult decisions on behalf of the "future generations".
Reader Read has an (not very surprising) answer also to that: The "Guardians" would be trained, brainwashed and supervised by a number of (enviro-fundamentalist) "experts": 
a year in which 
to ‘train up’ for the role, including an 
intensive programme of civic learning, 
basic law, educational options, some 
time spent encountering ‘out in the 
field’ the so-called ‘ecosystem 
services’ that need preserving if the 
future well-being of humanity is to be 
protected and whose fate is at present 
in the balance, etc..  

The Guardians would be supported 
both in their training and in their day 
to day roles as Guardians by a highlevel and diverse support staff of 
administrators, facilitators and experts

Guardians would have access to the 
cream of the country’s and indeed 
much of the world’s expertise, in every 
sense of the word ‘expertise’. (One 
would expect them to consult NGOs, 
And Rupert Read´s "Guardians" would not only be installed in London:
We needn’t just imagine national 
Guardians. There is no reason why 
there shouldn’t be Guardians presiding 
over local council decisions too (and 
also internationally, for example at the 
EU, and perhaps the UN.

Good luck, Dr. Read with your project! You will certainly find a handful of enviro-fundamentalist supporters also outside the tenth in Hay, but fortunately the rest of us will  be spared your "Guardians of Future Generations".

1 comment:

A K Haart said...

"The Guardians would be supported
both in their training and in their day to day roles as Guardians by a high level and diverse support staff of administrators, facilitators and experts"

Good grief - beyond stupid.