Saturday, 5 February 2011

EU to become "most climate-friendly region in the world"

Remember a few years ago, the European Union announced that by 2010 it would be  "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion". The programme that would produce this miraculous achievement was called the Lisbon Strategy. Well, 2010 is history now - and so is the failed Strategy.

But that does not stop the EU from dreaming up similar "strategies". The latest one was this week announced by the unelected EU "climate comissioner", former Danish journalist Connie Hedegaard:

As Commissioner for the new DG Climate Action, it is Connie Hedegaard’s ambition that, in five years’ time, Europe is the most climate-friendly region in the world. With this in mind, she was quick to stress the role that space can play in tackling climate change.
In her opening address, Commissioner Hedegaard said, "Today, we are focusing on the tools needed for the International Climate Change Policy Regime. In that respect, space is not just nice to have; it’s a need to have.
"We need science, knowledge and facts to formulate European policies. With those policies in place, we then need the tools to monitor them"
While stressing that Earth observation is essential for monitoring, reporting and verification, Commissioner Hedegaard also pointed to satellite navigation as an important space tool, "The transport sector accounts for 27% of all European emissions. Satellite navigation can help develop intelligent traffic systems to limit those emissions"
With climate change a priority, Commissioner Hedegaard is working with Vice-President Antonio Tajani to develop a joint strategy on space and climate. As part of this, Commission Hedegaard invited experts from the space sector to provide inputs for consultation.

If, for a change, the EU climate strategy actually would succeed, it would mean a decisive blow to EU economic competitiveness. But that does not worry the warmist Hedegaard and her likes.
It is also interesting to note that Hedegaard, without naming Galileo, tries to promote the economically disastrous European Galileo satellite navigation project. Climate change (former global warming) can be used for all kinds of purposes.  

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