Friday, 30 November 2012

A fish called Obama

The mostly Republican anglers of Tennessee are now free to catch Obama, the new fish:

Last week, five new fish species were given some left-leaning names after being recognized as distinct species for the first time. The five fish species were previously considered populations of the wider-ranging Speckled Darter (Etheostoma stigmaeum), but male breeding colors and morphology have revealed their 'true colors.' The fish were "discovered" and named by Steve Layman from Geosyntec Consultants in Georgia and Rick Mayden from the Department of Biology at Saint Louis University.
Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Teddy Roosevelt, and Jimmy Carter are also honored by the names of these new freshwater darter species.

Steve Layman: “We chose President Obama for his environmental leadership, particularly in the areas of clean energy and environmental protection, and because he is one of our first leaders to approach conservation and environmental protection from a more global vision."

Here you can compare the new political fish species. The Etheostoma Obama is the reddest of them. 

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