Sunday, 29 September 2013

Voice of America on "fading Climate Change Stars" Gore, Pachauri and others

The warmists are clearly deeply disappointed. The latest IPCC scaremongering "assessment" gets a big yawn from ordinary citizens - and a large part of the international media. Even the usually pro IPCC Voice of America published this article about "fading" "Climate Change Stars" (Gore, Pachauri, Nasheed, Obama, Merkel ...):

Much of the "glamor" has gone since Rajendra Pachauri, the Indian chair of the IPCC, and Gore proudly showed off the Nobel gold medals in 2007, a time when firm global action on reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses seemed feasible.--

The problem proved intractable in the financial crisis. A U.N. summit in Copenhagen in 2009 failed to work out a deal, and many voters may simply have tired of hearing of global warming.

It is a sign of the times that some of the world's most powerful figures such German Chancellor Angela Merkel - a former environment minister - U.S. President Barack Obama or Chinese Premier Li Keqiang appear to have put the issue on the backburner to focus on domestic economic issues.

Even former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, who made global headlines in 2009 with the world's first underwater Cabinet meeting to highlight the threat of rising sea levels to his small islands, was forced from power in domestic turmoil.--

" ... Gore has also been worn down by criticisms, especially by U.S. Republicans who say his climate campaigns are alarmist and question the science behind them.

His later ventures have been less high profile. He sold his struggling cable channel, Current TV, to Al Jazeera in January."

Well, what can you say. Pachauri, Gore and all the rest had their moments of (vain)glory. Now they are fading, and the international community has fortunately began to focus on real problems ...

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