Saturday, 14 December 2013

Sanity prevails in Scotland: Scottish Power cancels the Argyll Array, which was to be the world's largest offshore wind farm

Another huge blow to the wind energy lobby - and a victory for sanity: Scottish Power abandons its £5.4bn plan to build the world's largest offshore wind farm, the Argyll Array.

Scottish Power has abandoned a £5.4bn plan to build the world's largest offshore wind farm, after four years of planning, because it is "not financially viable" (NNoN: not even the present high level of subsidies was high enough):

The decision to abandon the Argyll Array was a great victory for the No Tiree Array group, which yesterday welcomed the decision by the developer, calling the plans an "environmental disaster for Tiree and the west coast of Scotland".

Here is the No Tiree Array press release:


A K Haart said...

At long last there are one or two hints of sanity prevailing.

Unknown said...

Oh.. What a lovely creature. Dolphins and marine animals are really beautiful. I love to see them in their natural habitat just like the dolphins argyll. It's nice to see them free and happy.