Saturday, 23 January 2016

The Vatican and Brexit

The Telegraph reports:

The Vatican wants Britain to stay in the European Union, the Pope's foreign secretary has declared.
Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States within the Holy See, suggested "Brexit" could weaken Europe.
In an interview with ITV, the English cleric who has a weekly meeting with Pope Francis, gave a clear signal of Rome's view of the best outcome of the forthcoming in/out referendum on continued EU membership.
"The Holy See respects the ultimate decision of the British people – that's for the British electorate to decide," he said.
"But I think we would see it as being something that is not going to make a stronger Europe."

The Vatican, led by the current Pope, has a acquired a bad habit of taking a stand on issues it should have nothing to do with, such as Brexit and global warming.

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