Monday, 15 February 2016

John McCain´s message at the Munich security conference

US Senator John McCain´s message at the Munich security conference is clear: You cannot trust Vladimir Putin in Syria, nor anywhere else. Watch the speech here.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Finland´s Europhile finance minister Stubb does not think the EU is eternal

Finland´s Europhile finance minister, former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb is worried about the future of the European Union. Here is what he said in an interview when asked about the possible downfall of the Union:

"I do not know whether the EU is eternal, probably not. In 2020 we will probably see whether we will survive this. It is interesting to see, what the world looks like 15 years from now."

If a leading Europhile expresses himself in this way, be prepared for huge changes 15 years from now, or probably earlier ...