Thursday, 24 November 2011

The European Union´s überwarmist Hedegaard gives an interview

German Der Spiegel has inteviewed the European Union´s überwarmist, Danish climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard in advance of the soon to open COP 17 in Durban. The lady still babbles about a new "binding road map", but her unconvining answers clearly show, that she does not really believe in what she says. Hedegaard obviously realises that the game is over.

The former journalist, with a Master´s degree in literature and history, probably is already planning where to retire when the years wasted in Brussels are soon over.

The EU´s more than generous retirement benefits will of course be a nice consolation when its time to go.

Here is part of the Spiegel interview:

SPIEGEL ONLINE: What is he EU's ultimate goal in Durban?
Hedegaard: The EU is pushing for a binding road map in which all countries would commit to take some action by 2015.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Road maps from previous UN conferences have had little success, though.
Hedegaard: Without a road map we will not see a second Kyoto commitment period. In Durban, we must bring the most important states to agree to a binding road map. The states would then have until 2015 to introduce CO2 monitoring.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: How is that expected to work when most of the countries didn't even adhere to the Kyoto requirements?
Hedegaard: The difference is that this time all countries are to participate, including developing countries and emerging economies. I think most countries will follow a broad approach. The aim for this road map should be covering 80 to 85 percent of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The problem with the current contractual position is that soon two-thirds of the anthropogenic emissions are not part of the Kyoto Protocol.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: How likely is the US to support this road map?
Hedegaard: The US has signaled that they would participate if China does too. But so far in this matter there is actually little sign of progress from the US.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Do you expect a true breakthrough at the 21st United Nations climate conference in 2015, then?
Hedegaard: In 2015 the discussions should be finished, details should be settled and an international commitment on climate action should be signed. It will then still take years until the arrangements for CO2 reduction are implemented.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: How do you feel as you prepare for the negotiations in Durban?
Hedegaard: Concerned. Concerned that we're putting the environment at risk.

Read the entire interview here

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